NFALAW offers its clients personalized service with high added value, adapted to their business and their specific needs.


Please find all our publications in connection with Covid-19 by clicking here.

NFALAW at our clients' service.

Created in 1989, NFALAW brings together lawyers with a very high level of expertise in the fields of Intellectual Property Law, Sports Law, Competition Law, Consumer Law and Distribution Law

A high level of legal expertise combined with strong judicial experience.

More than thirty years of daily practice in civil, commercial, administrative and regulatory proceedings, enable NFALAW to assist its clients in all aspects of their business, from operational risk analysis to resolving pre-litigation and litigation.

Our latest news

24.07.2024 – Hors-série n°27 – Eté 2024

Retrouvez notre article “Paris 2024 : ici, la publicité des partenaires est autorisée” dans le numéro hors-série du magazine (pages 70-71), en cliquant sur le lien suivant :  …

La Revue des Juristes de Sciences Po – N° 26 – Juillet 2024

“L’originalité de la « Règle 40 » de la Charte olympique” par Fabienne Fajgenbaum et Thibault Lachacinski Article publié au sein du dossier thématique “Jeux olympiques et paralympiques de 2024 : un cadre juridique original au service de cet évènement exceptionnel” Télécharger le PDF  …